
My Daily “Stay At Home Mom” Routine! 

August 13, 2019

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

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This post is sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts are my own. 

Hi friends! I’ve been asked quite a few times to break down our daily routine and also share some tips on how we pass the time as just us girls so I thought I would do that in today’s post! To be quite honest, it it just now has become a lot easier to watch them by myself. Now that Scarlett has transitioned fully to two naps a day (she’s 8 months old), her schedule is much more predictable, and I can mesh it with Annabelle’s really well. So here it is hour by hour!

8am: Wake up. I usually go into Annabelle’s room to wake both her and Doug up because if she wakes during the night he just goes and stays in there! I don’t mind since I don’t notice;)

9am: Have breakfast as a family. We rotate between oatmeal, eggs & sausage, pancakes, and French toast. *Thursdays Annabelle has gymnastics until 10am 

9:30: Doug goes to “work” aka a coffee shop/library

10:00-11am: Scarlett’s first nap of the day. If I watch them solo, I will let Scarlett fall asleep in the car on the way to the park and stroll her around with A. Annabelle is so nice and usually whispers to not wake up her sister (counting down the days until this doesn’t happen anymore!).

11am-12pm: We do some kind of outdoor activity. We rotate between two different parks, the library, or errands.

12pm: Lunchtime aka picnic at the park! Even though it’s been so hot, I would 100% rather be out of the house with both of them than stay inside. It helps the day go by faster, and everyone is in much better moods if we are outside! Plus, they both sleep easier and longer. We usually take sandwiches, fruit, and veggie sticks.

1:30pm: The girls both go down for a nap in the car on the ride home, and I sneakily transfer them both to their beds (using black out curtains and a white noise machine)!

3:00pm: Wake up and snack time! This is what we like to switch up daily, but lately we’ve been buying Yoplait’s Go-Gurt, and Annabelle thinks it’s a special treat! I love buying things that surprise her, and obviously, she was thrilled to see the Frozen packaging on the front! It feels like such a Mom win, especially when I whip these out of my bag when we are running errands. Anything that can occupy my toddler for a couple of minutes is a lifesaver! Yoplait has a variety of different on the go and back-to-school snack options like their Dunkers or Core Cups that are perfect for helping busy Moms create “little wins” throughout their day! We also freeze the Go-Gurt on hot days, and she eats them like a popsicle (of course Scarlett had to have a taste!). You can find them at Wal-Mart for incredibly affordable prices! Yoplait helps me have Big Little Wins as a mom!

4:00pm: Start making dinner! I usually put Scarlett in a bouncer while Annabelle helps me as she stands on her stool. We pretty much have the same thing every week: Tacos/Burritos, Spaghetti, Salmon/Rice/Broccoli, Hamburgers, & eat out twice. (Although these meals sound unhealthy, I make them super healthyJ)

5:00pm: Dinnertime as a family!

5:30pm: I wash up the dishes (which I prefer because I’m faster;) and Doug plays with them in the backyard.

6:00pm: We all take a family walk outside and let Annabelle run around to burn off extra energy. 

7:00pm: Doug bathes them, brushes their teeth, and we read books.

8:00pm: Bedtime! They both usually go to sleep by 8:30pm

And that’s it! I’ve never been huge into routines until I had children, but let me tell you it’s been a lifesaver especially with two kids. I thrive off the structure in knowing what’s coming next and planning out special activities to do with them throughout the day. To some people, it may seem boring and mundane, but I actually look forward to taking them to new parks and finding different activities to experience with them! Being a Mom is the best! What do you do with your kids outside of the house? I’d love to hear!

*This post is sponsored by General Mills, but all opinions are my own.

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  1. Amanda says:

    101% on board with routines.
    I am a routines person, so this came in real handy when I had my daughter. Not only does it make mine and my husbands life easier but our daughters as well. There may be a break in our routine here and there depending on different circumstances, like a family reunion weekend or something, but even then I try and keep to her routine as best as I can.
    I agree, it’s so nice to know what is coming next, there are so many other surprises and unknowns in our world that having a daily routine with our daughter grounds us as a family and lets us enjoy one another that much more.

  2. Megan says:

    Couldn’t agree more routines are def key to my house running smoothly with a 19 month old and a baby. My daughter has always thrived off her routine I’m hoping my son will too hes only 3 weeks old so it’s hard to tell haha. We have a very similar day to you I try and plan out each day of the week with activities for my 19 month old especially days my hubby isnt working from home so I have more of a structure on those days but we either go to the library for toddler time, a play date, soft play (in Ireland we have community centres that hold mum and tots groups) do you have anything like that in the US? The park (weather permitting Ireland isnt quite as blessed with sunshine that cali has lol) and then home activities like painting and baking its messy but great fun! 🙂

  3. Tracy cook says:

    Hi family life flows so much better with routine.

    I’ve just watched your latest vlogg and just wanted to say hi.
    Keep praying God has a home for you. Rental life can be so precarious but if you keep your faith go to church ask your church family to keep their eyes and ears open for a rental property. God will give you what he knows you need and deserve. Put God first.

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