

March 23, 2019

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Hi Friends! Today I wanted to share a few ways we’ve been transitioning to a healthier lifestyle! If you’ve been following throughout the past three years, you’ll know I wasn’t always leading the healthiest day-to-day life. I cleaned with bleach, ate sugary cereals (I still cave on occasion!), and never bothered to look at the ingredients in my food. It all started to gradually change when I gave birth to Annabelle. When she was born, I started to be more conscious about the products I brought into our home. It began with cleaning products because I noticed that almost every surface of our home was constantly being sprayed with a toxic solution that would be harmful if she came in contact. It really hit home when she started crawling all over the house and even more so when she started solids at 6 months old. Over time I’ve been reducing the amount of chemicals that we use in our products and I know that it will be a slow transition to be fully natural and it definitely takes research and time.

I wanted to share a few things that we’ve changed throughout the years and some new ways were implementing a healthier lifestyle in our home!

  1. Switching from regular candles to either soy candles or essential oils. Candles emit many toxic fumes when burned and although it was so hard to say goodbye to my fun smelling candles, I’ve replaced them with clean oils and soy candles that smell just as good!
  2. Switching out my non-stick Teflon pans to cast iron. This was something I recently did when I took a minimalistic approach to my kitchen. With new studies showing how since the coating on non-stick pans wears off over time could be cancerous, it was a no brainer. I took one look at all my pans and the bottoms were completely scratched up so I tossed them! I purchased one large cast iron skillet and a smaller one for every day use. It’s been a bit of a learning curve on how to season them properly and make them non-stick, but I’ve gotten the hang of it so far!
  3. Using all natural cleaning products. I’ve implemented this since Annabelle was a few months old and will never go back! Not to mention, all natural cleaners smell so good so it makes cleaning more enjoyable.
  4. Switching out my cleaning tools to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. I went through my entire kitchen and replaced used and worn out cleaning tools with new ones from Full Circle and it’s been so refreshing. Full Circle creates home products that make life easier, are high quality, visually appealing, and perfect for a minimalistic lifestyle. Their products are also made from the best materials that reduce waste and protect the environment. We’ve loved their Crystal Clear glass cleaners for washing dishes more effectively (the wooden handle is so sturdy), and the Power Couple is great for scrubbing the food off our cast iron skillets that we use daily along with this scrub brush. Their products truly last longer than any other cleaning supplies I’ve ever owned and they aid in my mission to owning quality products.
  5. Switching out plastic for glass and reusable materials. I took a look at my kitchen and realized the amount of plastic bags we used on a daily basis. So far we have swapped out zip lock bags for Full Circle’s Ziptucks, which we are obsessed with! They aren’t just used for food/snacks, but we also love them to hold electronics, and beauty tools. We’ve been using them almost daily for over a month and they wash so well and have the most fun prints for kids and adults.
  6. Make it a point to recycle regularly. For the longest time we were lazy about recycling and I realized it was because we didn’t have a proper system down. I bought a specific bin to toss all our plastic and we’ve been much more diligent about it so far! Eventually I want to get into composting because its so much better for the environment.
  7. Switching out everyday essentials with ones of higher quality that are toxic free. I noticed that a lot of what I used everyday was full of plastic. I first wanted to make the switch when I took a drink out of Annabelle’s sippy sup and it reeked of a plastic taste. I think it was because over time as I kept putting it in the dishwasher, a little bit of the plastic would melt from the heat. I had the same problem with my plastic water cup as well. I switched to these mugs from Full Circle and they are perfect! Doug and I both use one every morning not only because they are made with quality ingredients, but because they hold heat so well and the design is so functional. I also love the pastel coloring!
  8. Embracing a natural laundry routine. I just purchased a natural laundry soup to try and I will let you know how it goes!
  9. Avoiding processed foods at home. This one is definitely the hardest for me, as I wasn’t raised eating the healthiest of foods all the time. So far my rule is to not bring sodas, sugary cereals, or unhealthy snacks in our kitchen and we’ve all been so much better about it! I’ve also switched out coffee creamer, sauces/spreads, and bread for either organic brands or I make it from scratch!
  10. Use all natural hair/body products. This one is also a challenge as makeup is my daily routine, but so far everything in my shower is natural including deodorant and I already feel better just by taking baby steps.

Have you guys tried transitioning to a toxic free home? Let me know your tips!

*This blog post is sponsored by Full Circle – a brand I use daily and love!

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  1. Tammi says:

    We have also switched to cast iron and glass in the kitchen. My sister found a “recipe” for homemade laundry detergent on Pinterest, and she really likes it. I’m not ready for that yet, though. LOL Good job creating a healthier environment for your family!

  2. Sara says:

    These changes are awesome, Hayley! I have done all of these things as well. Recently, I’ve been working towards ensuring my purchases are ethical and reducing my waste. We have a long ways to go, but progress over perfection. How do you wash the full circle reusable bags? Thanks for sharing, Hayley.

  3. Kaylee says:

    Love using our cast iron!!!

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